
[Portuguese Translation] O Ensaio THALES: Ticagrelor e Aspirina vs Aspirina Sozinha em AVC Isquêmico Agudo ou AIT


Translated by: Ana Maria Mendes Ferreira Original: Contexto: O risco de um AVC isquêmico subsequente nos primeiros meses após um AVC isquêmico agudo ou ataque isquêmico transitório é de aproximadamente 5 a 10%. Nestes pacientes, a aspirina tem sido usada para prevenir a isquemia secundária, e os estudos mostraram um risco reduzido quando o agente antiplaquetário bloqueador do receptor P2Y12 clopidogrel é adicionado. O clopidogrel, entretanto, requer conversão hepática à sua forma ativa por meio de uma via ineficiente…

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Síndrome Serotoninérgico


Original: Autora: Alyse Volino, MD Editor: John Cafaro MD Es una respuesta dependiente de la dosis, relacionada con el exceso de serotonina presente en los receptores. NO es una respuesta idiopática a un fármaco. ¿Como sucede esto? Medicamentos que aumentan la síntesis y / o liberación de serotonina Medicamentos que inhiben la receptación de serotonina Medicamentos que inhiben el metabolismo de la serotonina Medicamentos que inhiben las enzimas que metabolizan los medicamentos serotoninérgicos (CYP) Historia Por lo general, la toxicidad por…

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Aravind Addepalli – Uganda


Aravind Addepalli – Uganda ?? The lockdown has proven quite interesting at the southwestern tip of Uganda. Having had experience with Ebola, Yellow Fever, Marburg, and more in regular succession, Uganda employed a swift and widespread lockdown to contain COVID-19 early in the pandemic. This ensured that even now, at the end of May, there have only been 281 confirmed cases and 0 deaths in Uganda from the insidious virus due to an absolute stop on any mobility into or…

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RAFF2: Cardioversão Elétrica vs Farmacológica em pacientes do DE com fibrilação atrial aguda


Original: Contexto: A fibrilação atrial aguda (FA) é uma das disritmias mais comuns observadas no departamento de emergência (DE). Houve ampla discussão e debate sobre a melhor maneira de gerenciar a FA aguda, centrada no controle de frequência e ritmo. No entanto, existem poucos dados para orientar a abordagem ideal para o controle do ritmo, uma vez que esta opção é limitada. Como resultado da falta de boas evidências, há uma variação significativa no manejo. Melhores dados são essenciais…

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Dr. Anh-Nhi Thi Huynh and Dr. Larshan Perinpam – Denmark


Dr. Anh-Nhi Thi Huynh and Dr. Larshan Perinpam – Denmark ?? Thanks to ISAEM for giving us the opportunity to share our experiences with COVID-19 at the Emergency Department in Herning, Denmark. We were one of the most affected hospitals in Denmark by COVID-19. We quickly separated an area within the ED for diagnosed and possible COVID-19 patients only – a so called COVID-section. The COVID-section replaced our usual observation unit/beds where patients often was admitted for a maximum of…

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Avaliação Básica das Vias Aéreas: é tão fácil quanto…1-2-3?


Em Medical Concepts por Rob Woods, 04 de Agosto, 2014 Na escola de medicina, muitas das questões de múltipla escolha no contexto de um paciente agudo têm como uma opção “administrar os ABC’s” e esta é sempre a alternativa correta. Infelizmente, dizer “eu administraria os ABCs como minha primeira prioridade” é muito diferente de realmente saber como avaliar uma via aérea, quanto mais gerenciar anormalidades durante uma ressuscitação no trauma. Se você pensa que isso vai ser uma postagem de blog de vias…

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Dr. Erich Hanel – Canada


Dr. Erich Hanel – Canada ?? The challenges we faced in response to COVID-19 were not unique. My colleagues have been affected professionally at work and personally at home. I do think our Emergency Department was unique in our response to COVID-19 challenges. We mobilized as a team, with support from our leadership. Shifts were different, patient volumes were decreased, general healthcare provider anxiety was increased. As a team, our efforts were consolidated with contributions from nursing, physicians, respiratory therapists,…

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Dr. Tsamo Vigny – Cameroon 


Dr. Tsamo Vigny – Cameroon ?? In Cameroon, we have around 91 cases.* We’re expecting more cases ahead and all that we can do now is prevent and prepare. Our country is in partial confinement. In my community, we haven’t yet had a suspected case but we are taking precautionary measures. We are trying to educate patients and caregivers about COVID-19 with an emphasis on preventive measures and what to do in case of a suspected case at home. We…

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Dr. Faruk Danis – Turkey


Dr. Faruk Danis – Turkey ?? Like our colleagues from all over the world, COVID-19 has deeply affected us both in working life and emotionally. Things are very busy in our emergency room. Unlike before, we must protect ourselves from COVID-19 while treating our patients. Aside from our own health, we all have a responsibility to our families at home. We have to approach each patient carefully, there is a constant obsessivity. There are difficulties, especially around personal protective equipment.…

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