Are you an EM-bound medical student? Do you want to improve your basics and dive into the Emergency Medicine world? Or do you want to shine during your EM clinical rotation? You are then in the right place!
We want to make your life easier, so we put together an Emergency Medicine Resource Compendium for Medical Students. This is a list of resource suggestions that ranges from classic textbooks to free online resources in Emergency Medicine.
We all know that Emergency Medicine is growing, but there are still several places around the world where medical students don’t even know what the specialty is. So it’s really important to understand how this amazing specialty works. We want you to know why “Emergency Medicine is the most interesting 15 minutes of every other specialty”. There are several resources available that will make you master the “physiology” behind an emergency physician!
- Must-read book: An Emergency Medicine Mindset
- Must-watch video: 24|7|265, The Evolution of Emergency Medicine
- Mastering your EM rotation: Emergency Medicine Clerkship Primer.
- The 3 Minute Emergency Medicine Medical Student Presentation
- EMRA’s Patient Presentation in Emergency Medicine
- The EM Mindset, by REBEL EM
- The EM Mindset Series, by emDocs
- The EM Mindset, by First10EM
- Emergency Medicine: A Unique Specialty, by the iEM Project
- The Importance of the Emergency Medicine Clerkship, by the iEM Project
- Choosing the Emergency Medicine As A Career, by the iEM Project
- Thinking Like an Emergency Physician, by the iEM Project
Textbooks will give you the necessary background for a life in Emergency Medicine. So it is highly recommended by top EM educators to use them. Remember that it is very important to build your foundation knowledge (“Do not forget the basics!). If you have to pick 1 resource, go with one of these!
- Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide
- Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice
- Harwood-Nuss’ Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine
- An Introduction to Clinical Emergency Medicine
- Last Minute Emergency Medicine: A Concise Review for the Specialty Boards (Last Minute Series)
- Emergency Medicine Manual
- Rosen & Barkin’s 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (The 5-Minute Consult Series)
- Emergency Medicine Secrets
Although less detailed, these pocket guides can help you to review topics focusing simply on diagnosis and treatment.
- EMRA Series: EM Fundamentals: The Essential Handbook for Emergency Medicine Residents
- Pocket Emergency Medicine (Pocket Notebook Series)
- Case Files Emergency Medicine
- First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Clerkship
- Blueprints Emergency Medicine
- USMLE Road Map Emergency Medicine
These are very useful for those visual learners. It has some really good pictures that help you for identifying injury patterns and how to master some importante procedures in the ED.
The Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAMed) world has some of the most amazing resources for medical students interested in Emergency Medicine. This is an excellent way to complement the foundation knowledge you will acquire through the textbooks. It’s also an alternative way of learning as many blogs provide interactive cases together with in-depth information about EM core topics.
Don’t forget to watch our podcast on “Online Tools for Medical Students Interested in Emergency Medicine”. The wisdom from Dr. Daniel Cabrera makes this a must-listen podcast for those of you interested in EM!
General Emergency Medicine Content – these websites have a broad range of resources for studying EM. We have selected the ones with more student-friendly information.
- International Emergency Medicine (iEM) Education Project: this is one of the most amazing projects ever done when it comes to develop the specialty within the medical student level. This is pretty much an “online book” with a broad range of chapters written in a very student-friendly way.
- It is an international, non-profit project, endorsed by International Federation for Emergency Medicine (IFEM) and supported by emergency medicine professionals from all around the world.
- It aims to promote emergency medicine and provide free, reusable educational content for undergraduate medical trainees and educators.
- Academic Life in Emergency Medicine (very important for those of you academically oriented)
- CDEM M4 Curriculum (medical student-centered material)
- EMBasic (lots of content geared towards medical students and interns)
- EM in 5 (lots of content geared towards medical students and interns)
- EM Fundamentals
- Core EM
- Life in the Fast Lane
- First 10 EM
- emDocs
- WikiEM
- CanadiEM
- EMCrit (a bit more advanced for students but it has excellent content about Critical Care Emergency Medicine)
- HQMedEd (short video presentations on a wide variety of EM topics)
Emergency Medicine Procedures
- iEM Project Procedure Chapters – step-by-step explanations of the most common procedures performed in the ED with videos and images. Very friendly content for medical students and interns.
- EM Procedure Resources for Medical Students by the CORD – they have listed all the procedures an EM-bound medical student should know during their rotations. It is a great guide on how and where to study those procedures.
Electrocardiography (ECG)
- Classic Textbook: ECGs for the Emergency Physicians by Amal Mattu and William Brady (Volume 1, Volume 2)
- Classic Textbook: Rapid Interpretation of EKGs by Dubin
- Life in The Fast Lane – ECG Library – pretty much all the resources a medical student needs to start studying ECG!
- University of Utah School of Medicine ECG Learning Center – Don’t forget to check their PDF outline of the website (here).
- Dr. Smith ECG Blog
- ECG Weekly
- ECG Stampede (good for training interpretation of ECGs)
- ECG Library
- ECG Wave Maven
- ECGpedia
- StripTease
Ultrasound (U/S)
- The Society of Point of Care Ultrasound – compendium of U/S resources.
- Ultrasound Narrated Lecture Page – series of narrated lectures (excellent to start learning)
- SonoDoc – A Bedside Ultrasound Game, by Stanford University
- 5 Minute Sono
- Ultrasound Podcast
- Ultrasound of the Week
- Sonospot
General Radiology
- ALiEM Radiology Resources
- Radiopaedia
- Radiology Assistant
- Introduction to Radiology (UVA Health)
- Radiology 2.0 – One Night in the ED
- Learning Radiology
- The Whole Brain Atlas
- Orthobullets
Practice Questions
Evidence-Based Emergency Medicine – these websites have lots of discussions on the hot-new papers of the EM world. Their work is definitely cutting the knowledge translation window!
- SGEM (The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine)
- Rebel EM
- First 10 EM
- Everyday EBM
- St Emlyn’s
- First 10 EM
Popular Journals in Emergency Medicine – for those of you that prefer journals and peer reviewed publications.
- Annals of Emergency Medicine
- Academic Emergency Medicine
- The American Journal of Emergency Medicine
- Emergency Medicine Journal
- Resuscitation
- Shock
- Western Journal of Emergency Medicine
- Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine
- Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
- Emergency Medicine Australasia
- European Journal of Emergency Medicine
So, this is our Compendium of resources for medical students interested in EM. We’ve tried to select the most student-friendly content! We really hope that this post make your life easier when organizing your Emergency Medicine studying.
Here some other useful links:
- ALiEM: A Starter’s Roadmap to EM Resources: Books, Websites, and Apps
- CORD: EM Rotation Resources for Medical Students
- CORD: Medical Student Resources
- SAEM: FOAMed Resources
- SAEM: Medical Student Resources
- EMRA: Medical Student Section
- EMRA: Recommended Blogs and Podcasts
- CAEP: Resources for Medical Students
- Yale: Medical Student Resources
- emDocs – FOAMed Resource Series Part I: The ECG
- emDocs – FOAMed Resource Series Part II: Ultrasound
- emDocs – FOAMed Resource Series Part III: Pediatrics
- emDocs – FOAMed Resource Series Part IV: Toxicology
- emDocs – FOAMed Resource Series Part V: Critical Care
- emDocs – FOAMed Resources Part VI: The Fundamentals
- emDocs – FOAMed Resources Part VII: Medical Education and Simulation
- #FOAMedstudent
- LIFTL: Ten Tips for FOAM Beginners
- The Resus Room: FOAMed Resources
- iEM Project: Useful Resources
- Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis from John Hopkins University
- Clinical Epidemiology from Utrecht University
- Research Data Management and Sharing from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel from RICE University
- Biostatics in Public Health Specialization from John Hopkins University
- Statistical Analysis with R for Public Health Specialization from Imperial College London
- Understanding Clinical Research: Behind the Statistics from University of Cape Town
- Summary Statistics in Public Health from John Hopkins University
- Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research from the National Institutes of Health
Please enjoy the 24/7/365 EM Documentary made by EMRA about the founding of the EM specialty in USA.