National Ambassadors Program

What is the National Ambassador Program?

The purpose of the National Ambassadors Program is to collaborate with medical students globally to form an international contact network within ISAEM. Through this, we hope to evolve country specific programs, continue to build our contact network, and to increase the interest of medical students in Emergency Medicine regionally.

Who is a National Ambassador?

A National Ambassador is a medical student who is already deep involved in the work of a national or local EM interest group in their country. The key tasks of the Ambassadors will be to help evolve our different programs, and to maintain and sustain contact with their respective national and local EM interest groups and organizations.

For more information about the role, please see the following ISAEM National Ambassador Info Sheet

How can I get involved?

We are currently looking for National Ambassadors to expand our program. If you’re interested in helping out with ISAEM, please reach out to or filling out this form:

Check out our former National Ambassadors featured at EPi Journal.

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