iOS ED apps


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ISAEM has found the following Apps and links to be useful for medical students, physicians etc. who have an interest in Emergency Medicine. All of the following Apps are only for Iphones. Apps for Androids will follow in the near future.


Medscape – Medscape from WebMD ( is the leading medical resource most used by physicians, medical students, nurses and other healthcare professionals for clinical information.  Cost: Free



epocrates Epocrates – Easy to use app for drugs, pharmacology, pregnancy & lactation safety, and drug cost.  A nice bonus is the pill identification tool when your patient tells you, “I take the little pink pill.” Cost: Free



prognosis EM

Prognosis – Bringing all emergencies under a single roof! Each case can be completed in a few minutes, making it an ideal tool for keeping up to date, or even for quick revision before recertification or examinations. Cost: Free



epocr Eponyms – Eponyms brings a short description of more than 1’700 common and obscure medical eponyms (e.g., Rovsing’s sign, Virchow’s node) to your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Cost: Free



radiology Radiology 2.0 – Created by a radiologist and a medical student, this app’s subtitle is “One Night in the ED.”  Cost: Free





FATE CARD – FATE (Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echocardiography), FATE can be performed in few seconds or extended to a more comprehensive echocardiographic examination depending on the clinical requirements. Cost: Free



ULhandbookEmergency Ultrasound Handbook – This is the perfect app for physicians and medical students who are first learning point of care ultrasound. Developed by an Emergency Physician for clinicians and medical students. Cost: Free



Applications, Links from ISAEM Partners:

unnamed The Acute care testing e-book is an easy-to-use educational source which covers both the traditional oxygenation, electrolyte, metabolite and acid-base parameters as well as the critical biomarkers troponin, D-dimer, NT-proBNP, CRP and hCG. The e-book is a supplement to comprehensive text books. Can be downloaded from Free



REdiometer 2

Blood gas – Preanalytics – “Preanalytical errors are said to be the reason for up to 75% of all errors in laboratory medicine. This app focuses on the preanalytical phase of blood gas testing and what operators can do to avoid errors. Cost: Free



acutcaretesting bridges the gap between scientific publications and daily practice with information – from users to users – on the daily issues surrounding acute care testing. Content is provided by healthcare professionals around the world, including opinion leaders, lab managers, point-of-care coordinators, physicians and nurses. Registration is free, and users have the option of subscribing to a quarterly electronically newsletter. Sponsored and maintained by Radiometer.


ISAEM is not responsible for any of the content of the apps listed on, and your judgement should always rely on the clinical findings of the patient.  

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