


O departamento de Emergência lida com dor diariamente, variando de dor lombar não-traumática a fraturas por trauma. Escolher droga e dose corretas é de extrema importância para o manejo desses pacientes. Hoje estamos publicando a tradução de um post do Academic Life in Emergency Medicine feito por Dr. Nick Koch e Dr. Sergey Motov (@PainFreeED) do Maimonides Medical Center em Nova York.  Eles nos apresentam um resumo baseado em evidências sobre a seleção e dosagem de medicações para o manejo inicial de dor…

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O que é FOAM?


FOAM significa “Free Open-Access Medical Education” (Educação Médica de Acesso Livre). O conceito emergiu espontaneamente da coleção de recursos de educação médica com acesso livre que evolui constantemente na internet e tem apenas um objetivo – fazer do mundo um lugar melhor. FOAM independe da mídia ou de plataformas – inclui blogs, podcasts, tweets, Google hangouts, vídeos online, textos, fotografias, grupos no Facebook e muito mais. As duas principais características de FOAM são velocidade e acessibilidade. A velocidade relacionada a FOAM…

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#FOAMed Project


FOAM, which stands for “Free Open-Access Medical Education”, is a dynamic collection of online resources and tools for lifelong learning in medicine, integrated as a community with the potential to reach every corner of the planet. The main uses of FOAM are to cut the knowledge translation window and to serve as an adjunct to traditional learning by providing accessible and reusable resources. Currently, the FOAM concept, often termed #FOAMed, is being used heavily among Emergency Medicine (EM) communities in…

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EuSEM Refresher Course – Sept. 17-20, 2015


Dear Young EM doctor, The Young Emergency Medicine Doctors Section of the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EuSEM) is pleased to present the ‘EuSEM Refresher Course 5’. It will take place from 17-20 September 2015. It is a 4 day interactive course for young doctors training or practicing in all fields of emergency medicine and urgent care. The course is based on the European Curriculum of Emergency Medicine. More information about the program can be found on

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ISAEM establishes a new Emergency Medicine interest group in Cameroon


ISAEM is happy to announce, that we in the past couple of months have been working with a group of medical students from Bamenda in Cameroon to co-found Cameroon Association of Medical Students Promoting Emergency Medicine (CAMSPEM). The founding of CAMSPEM is part of ISAEM strategy to promote and develop EM world wide. The picture shows you the founding members of Cameroon Association of Medical Students Promoting Emergency Medicine (CAMSPEM). Front left to right: Ngwanwui Elaine Tasha (Treasure), Gwendoline Enda Ukum…

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