
Dr. AlHanouv AlQahtani – Saudi Arabia Flag: Saudi Arabia on Google Android 10.0 March 2020 Feature Drop

We are dealing with COVID-19 seriously and following strict protocols. One challenge is dealing with a population who is scared and want to be swabbed but have no risk factors. We have been working to calm them down. Overall, we’re trying to let people know not to come to the ED unless it is serious.

In the hospital among colleagues, everyone is being caring. We are all working together – nurses, physicians, EMS personnel. The whole situation is an experience. Everyone on the frontline is a hero. This whole situation is an experience. It is stressful.

I have been staying in touch with colleagues and family through social media. We are all in the same situation – most of us cannot visit our families. We don’t go home to avoid the risk of transmission. Hopefully this ends soon and all of us can be home safe and hug our families.

“Hopefully this ends soon and all of us can be home safe and hug our families.”

Dr. AlHanouv AlQahtani, Saudi Arabia